PhD Students

Eleonora Scianna

PhD Student

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Elmira Sharipova

PhD Student

keywords: Posthumanism, Anthropocene, Object-oriented ontology, Actor–network theory
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Allegra Sonego

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Quantitative Content Analysis, Medical Drama, Narrative Ecosystems

Irene Sorrentino

PhD Student

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Eleo Stacchiotti

PhD Student

keywords: Immersive Virtual Reality, Visual Culture, Simulation, Virtualization, Immersive Technologies
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Benedetta Susi

PhD Student

Research fellow

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Marina Tanaka

PhD Student

keywords: dramaturgy, Japanese philosophy and aesthetic, perception, contemporary theatre, audio-visual technology
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Chiara Tessariol

PhD Student

keywords: prison theatre, applied theatre, archives, digital archives
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Tristan Venturi

PhD Student

keywords: Critical Theory, Queer Theory, Film Studies, Women's, Sexuality, and LGBT Studies, Transgender Studies, Critical
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Martina Volpato

PhD Student

keywords: Cataloguing, History of Architecture, Vocabulary for Architecture, Digital Humanities, Frescoed facades, Painted

Along Wang

PhD Student

keywords: Mereolology, Metaphysics & Meta-Metaphysics, (Formal) Ontology, Applied Ontology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of
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Zhudaiyi Zhang

PhD Student