Teaching tutors
Chiara Nicoletti
Teaching tutor
Paolo Odoardi
Teaching tutor
Piero Offidani
Teaching tutor
Daniele Ognibene
Teaching tutor
Food History, History of wine, Economic History
Leandro Palanghi
Teaching tutor
Luigi Pandolfi
Teaching tutor
Cultural Appropriation, Fashion, Fashion Studies, Stereotypes, Cultural Industries
Ilaria Donata Picardi
Teaching tutor
Angela Picone
Teaching tutor
Chiara Pilati
Teaching tutor
Silvia Pizzirani
Teaching tutor
Celeste Anna Priore
Teaching tutor
Giorgia Ravaioli
Teaching tutor
photography, contemporary art, photographic archive, feminism
performative arts, landscape, theatrology, green, theatre nature, biodiversity, sustainability, MAB (Man and Biosphere)