HomePage — of the Arts - DAR

Calls and competitions

Open calls


Choose the degree programme, second cycle degree or single-cycle degree programme that suits you best among those offered by the Department.

Professional Master's Programmes offered by the Department. Choose the one that suits you best.

PhD programme degrees are the highest academic recognition and provide the competence required to carry out research activities and teach at the university. The listed PhDs are offered by the Department.

Specialisation schools are postgraduate courses designed to train specialised figures. See the Courses part of the Department’s disciplinary area.

Palazzo Marescotti Brazzetti, Giovan Giacomo Monti, Scalone (ph. ©Antonio Cesari)

Palazzo Marescotti Brazzetti, Giovan Giacomo Monti, Scalone (ph. ©Antonio Cesari)

Palazzo Marescotti Brazzetti,  Camerino di Venere e Cupido, Marcantonio Franceschini (ph. ©Antonio Cesari)

Palazzo Marescotti Brazzetti, Camerino di Venere e Cupido, Marcantonio Franceschini (ph. ©Antonio Cesari)

Convento di Santa Cristina (ph. ©Antonio Cesari)

Convento di Santa Cristina (ph. ©Antonio Cesari)



DAMSLab / Teatro

DAMSLab / Teatro

DAMSLab / Auditorium

DAMSLab / Auditorium