Drama studies

Research topics of faculty members and researchers working in the Drama Studies section: a) history of the actor and performance techniques; b) material culture of theater; c) relationships between visual arts and theater; d) interaction between dramatic writing and scenic writing; e) history of dance and ballet;

  1. f) methodological and epistemological questions; g) theatrical criticism; h) theaters of extra-western tradition; i) performing arts and new technologies; j) new theater and theater of social interaction; k) history and directing institutions; l) performance organization and economics.


keywords: contemporary dance, digital art, virtual reality, body-based storytelling, embodiment
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Matteo Casari

Associate Professor

keywords: Nō Theatre, Cultural marketing, Entertainment Management and Economy, Popular tradition, Folklore, Passage rites,
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Elena Cervellati

Associate Professor

keywords: Ballet in the first half of the Nineteenth Century, Contemprary Dance in Italy (1970-today), Screendance, Relationships
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Francesca Di Fazio

Research fellow

keywords: Puppet Theatre, New dramaturgies, Dramaturgical practices, Italian contemporary theater writing, French contemporary
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Lorenzo Donati

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: Reality trend, Argentinian Theatre, Audience and reception studies, Audience studies, Performance and dance studies,
keywords: archives - repertoire - memories - nureev - Intangible Cultural Heritage - Virtual and augmented Reality - digitizazion
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Gerardo Guccini

Full Professor

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Matteo Paoletti

Associate Professor

keywords: opera staging, economics of the performing arts, theatrical impresario, cultural diplomacy
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Daniela Piana

Full Professor

keywords: cultural change, legality as rituals of inclusiveness, rule of law, cities and governance in the digital age,
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Caterina Piccione

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Theatre of the 20th century, Dramaturgy, Stage direction, Actor, Modern dance, Postmodern dance
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Enrico Pitozzi

Associate Professor

keywords: Perception, Corporeality, Presence, Virtual, Movement, Environment, Digital aesthetics, Soundscape, Philosophy of

Elena Randi

Full Professor

keywords: Romantic theatre, Actor, Stage direction, Philology of dance, modern dance
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Emanuele Regi

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: performative arts, landscape, theatrology, green, theatre nature, biodiversity, sustainability, MAB (Man and Biosphere)
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Marina Tanaka

PhD Student

keywords: dramaturgy, Japanese philosophy and aesthetic, perception, contemporary theatre, audio-visual technology
keywords: prison theatre, applied theatre, archives, digital archives