M. Canosa, Corto/lungometraggio, in: Storia del cinema italiano (1895-1911), ROMA/VENEZIA, Scuola Nazionale di Cinema/Marsilio, in corso di stampa, pp. 0 - 000 [Chapter or essay]
N. Staiti, For a revision of the reeds taxonomy (also in the light of some new discoveries), in: Reflecting on Hornbostel-Sachs' Versuch a century later, Venezia, Fondazione Levi, in corso di stampa, pp. 10 - 18 [Chapter or essay]
Fabio Massaccesi, Il CANTIERE MEDIEVALE DI SAN PETRONIO A BOLOGNA. STORIE DI ANTIPAPI, MERCANTI E ARTISTI, Roma, Viella, in corso di stampa, pp. 287 . [Research monograph]
Elena Cervellati, Sullo stato attuale della danza, «DANZA E RICERCA», in corso di stampa, 14, pp. 1 - {1} . Opera originale: Autore: Arthur Saint-Léon - Titolo: De l'état actuel de la danse [Journal contribution (translation)]
Anna Scalfaro, Music Popularization for Youth on Television from the 1960s to the 1990s between the United States and Europe, in: The Oxford Handbook of Music and Television, Oxford, Oxford University Press, in corso di stampa, pp. 468 - 486 [Chapter or essay]
Simone, Monica; Mondémé, Chloé; Galatolo, Renata, Becoming a cooperating pair: blind trainees learning to interact with their guide-dogs, «JOURNAL OF INTERACTIONAL RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATION DISORDERS», in corso di stampa, X, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]
Ruba, Salih, Palestinian refugees. The right to stay and the right to return, Cambridge, Cambridge University, in corso di stampa, pp. 200 . [Research monograph]
Mariella Lorusso, THE DECOLONIZATION OF FASHION IN NATIVE NORTH AMERICA, LONDON, BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING PLC, in corso di stampa, pp. 165 . [Research monograph]
Demaria, C., Exploring Cinema Memory. Glasgow: Argyll Publishing, 2023, by Annette Kuhn, «MEMORY STUDIES», in corso di stampa, 1/2025, pp. 1 - 7 [Review]
Marinello, Matteo, Coco Rebecca Edogamhe: A Very Ordinary Girl, in: Italian Contemporary Screen Performers Training, Production, Prestige, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2025, pp. 127 - 133 [Chapter or essay]
Barra, Luca; Formenti, Cristina; Pierini, Mariapaola; Pitassio, Francesco, Italian Contemporary Screen Performers. Training, Production, Prestige, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2025, pp. 303 . [Editorship]
Barra, Luca; Formenti, Cristina; Pierini, Mariapaola; Pitassio, Francesco, Introduction: Working Stars, in: Italian Contemporary Screen Performers. Training, Production, Prestige, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2025, pp. 1 - 24 [Chapter or essay]
Barra, Luca, Beppe Caschetto: How a Talent Agent Can Build a Film and Television Performer, in: Italian Contemporary Screen Performers. Training, Production, Prestige, Cham, Palgrave MacMillan, 2025, pp. 187 - 194 [Chapter or essay]
Marino, Stefano, Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Aesthetics as Practical Philosophy, in: Gadamer on Art and Aesthetic Experience: Rethinking Hermeneutical Aesthetics Today, Albany (NY), State University of New York Press, 2025, pp. 33 - 59 [Chapter or essay]
Marino, Stefano; Romagnoli, Elena, Introduction. Gadamer on Art and Aesthetic Experience: Rethinking Hermeneutical Aesthetics Today, in: Gadamer on Art and Aesthetic Experience: Rethinking Hermeneutical Aesthetics Today, Albany (NY), State University of New York Press, 2025, pp. 1 - 12 [Brief introduction]
Marino, Stefano; Romagnoli, Elena, Gadamer on Art and Aesthetic Experience: Rethinking Hermeneutical Aesthetics Today, Albany (NY), State University of New York Press, 2025, pp. 211 . [Editorship]
Fedriga, Riccardo; Limonta, Roberto, Nec Plus Nec Minus The Ethics of Language in Anselm’s Works and Letters, in: Ian Logan and Forbes Alaistar, Anselm of Canterbury : nature, order and the divine, Boston, Brill, 2025, pp. 288 - 300 [Chapter or essay]
Stacchiotti, Eleonora; Susi, Benedetta, La Carte de Tendre come superficie liminale fra interno ed esterno: ispirazioni e influenze per la riattivazione dell’archivio Gucci di Alessandro Michele, «ZONEMODA JOURNAL», 2025, Vol. 14 N. 2, pp. 113 - 122 [Scientific article]
Donati, Daniele, Architetture e tendenze delle autonomie territoriali in Europa, in: Diritto delle autonomie territoriali - Seconda edizione, Milano, Wolters Kluwer, 2025, pp. 185 - 220 [Chapter or essay]
Sharipova, Elmira, Il Worlding come ecosistema: gli ambienti speculativi di Pierre Huyghe, «ROOTS§ROUTES», 2025, 47, pp. N/A - N/A [Scientific article]