DAMSLab is hosted in the premises of a former abattoir, where the Manifattura delle Arti is also located, at 5/b, Piazzetta P. P. Pasolini. The location, originally designed by architects Priori and Buriani in 1883, underwent refurbishment in 1996 thanks to a joint effort of both the University and the City of Bologna, based on a project by architect Aldo Rossi. The Labs, inaugurated in 2003 by the Department of Music and Drama Studies (today Department of the Arts), host a variety of spaces (Auditorium, Theatre, Cinema, Seminar Room, Hall) where most of the lectures and research activities take place, as well as other activities carried out by the Department (meetings, exhibitions, screenings, workshops, and musical, theatrical and dance performances). In 2018, all the activities taking place in these premises became part of DAMSLab.